Summary of Donations to Africa Community Technical Services - Tanga Community Library

The Tanga Community Library is being established in a small coastal community in North Eastern Tanzania. This is a special library project as it is headed by Patricia McQuillan's granddaughter, Sarah Switzer-Dogra, as the Project Manager. Sarah Switzer-Dogra would like to dedicate this community library to her grandmother, who was always a lover of books and stories. The library is expected to be established by September 2014. All donations given will go directly to costs associated with the opening and ongoing activities of the community library. Please visit the ACTS website for more information. You may also visit the Libraries for Tanzania blog for a thorough history of the libraries established through joint efforts of Sarah Switzer-Dogra and Africa Community Technical Services (ACTS). (look at Program Areas on right hand side of home page)

Offline donations: $0.00
Notes to the above:

Offline donations include cash, cheques and any other donations paid directly to the fundraising organisation. This offline donation total is updated periodically by the Tribute Guardian in conjunction with the fundraising organisation.